What research shows and our kids know is the bane of your existence may be the video game…My two boys are playing Fortnite as I write this. Theoretically I should feel badly about this, as fears of learning loss have ignited…Mar 21, 20211Mar 21, 20211
Published inAge of AwarenessAn Opportunity for an Improved Post-Pandemic EducationThere are mountains of empirical research that fly in the face of our pre-pandemic ways of doing school. From opportunity gaps in access…Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
For Benefit to AllFew things are truly vital to human life, breathing is one such thing. The average adult takes approximately 20,000 breaths each day and…Jun 18, 20201Jun 18, 20201
Finding your footing in uncertain times: Balancing multiple kids with multiple schedules…while staying (relatively) sane during a global pandemicMay 5, 2020May 5, 2020
What is ‘design thinking’? And why does it belong in classrooms?This article was originally published in the Washington Post on October 8, 2019…Jan 13, 2020Jan 13, 2020
Published inAge of AwarenessDesign Thinking: A Thought Experiment to Address Politics, Addiction, and Climate ChangeIn the past few months the fires in Australia have destroyed the lives of 25 people, over a billion animals, and have decimated over 25.5…Jan 11, 20201Jan 11, 20201
Designed to Learn: Using Design Thinking to Bring Purpose and Passion to the ClassroomDesign thinking prompts students to consider: “I’ve learned it. Now what am I going to do with it?”Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
The PFC’s Of Design Thinking That Activate Your Biological PFCAmidst the constant buzz of disruption, innovation, and the “future of (fill in the blank)” there’s a large and untapped resource with the…Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
Published inDigital CulturistHuman Motivation in the Fourth Industrial RevolutionWill work for ______.Apr 14, 201821Apr 14, 201821
Practice makes perfect and five other adages we should ditch in the new yearLean in, practice mindfulness, and don’t forget to be radical! Catch phrases like these are powerful calls to action that often provide…Dec 27, 2017Dec 27, 2017